Types of  massages

 Classic massage (Home service available )

In a classical massage, pressure and tension stimuli are exerted on the muscles and their surrounding tissue. The effect takes place locally, by stretching and relaxing the muscles, and stimulating blood circulation and cell metabolism. Thus pain in the affected area is alleviated. 

Free Style Massage (Home service available )

Free Style is an  way of oil massage with Marma therapy. Marma are vital points of the body which contain Prana energy. Gentle pressure on Marma while doing massage provides Prana energy to the body and mind which gives ultimate healing.

 Relax Massage (Home service available )

 Relax is  traditional  massage technique that's believed to help sustain the flow of energy throughout your body. There are 107 marma points located around your body. Stimulation of these points is said to affect everything from the health of your organs to the production of hormones and more

7th Heaven Massage (Relax Massage) (Home service available )             

 The 7th Heaven massage combines many different kinds of massage; the client or receiver is not a giver. It is their responsibility to accept the massage and yield to the rediscovering of senses, feelings, and emotions. As people come to resolve issues related to relationships, self-esteem, the process combines a sense of well-being with deep relaxation. It intends to enlighten those interacting in it energy within the body.

Yoga -

 Yoga therapy is used for our  physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines that originated in ancient India, aimed at controlling body and mind .

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